SDS plus vs SDS max tools

SDS Plus Vs SDS Max

You might be wondering what is the right tool for you. Both tools are very similar in appearance and performance but the main difference is in what your project looks like.

Originally Spline was the universal shank for drilling and concrete breaking, but it was later replaced by the SDS because it had the capability to be locked in place but still move up and down. Soon after this SDS Plus was developed as an improved version of the regular SDS shank. But even with the improved SDS Plus, Spline was continually used for larger jobs until the SDS Max was developed. The Spline is still widely used, so both shanks remain on the market. But there are now more SDS Max options to choose from especially if you are wanting to use the tool for digging.

The main difference between the SDS Plus and the SDS Max is the size of the tool. SDS Plus is thinner at about 10 millimeters in size, while the SDS Max is thicker at 18 millimeters. 

So, the best way to judge what is the right tool for you is to look at what you are using the tool for. If you are a homeowner looking to do an occasional job and not needing a lot of power then the SDS Plus would probably get the job done (you can find our SDS Plus tools here). But if you are going to be doing a project that is repetitive and requires more strength then the SDS Max should be your tool of choice (you can find our SDS Max tools here).

If you are still confused about which tool to use or need more information about the tools that we sell at Champion Chisel Works. Please give us a call at 800-239-1434.